Holden Torana SS Hatch A9X
Here is how to contact us
Questions? Orders? Problems?
Can't find what you are looking for?

We can help with your order, restoration work, can help with your car, or to find something for you. Please give us a call

p. +613 5368 2950    m. 0421 995547    f. 613 9445 9160
e. stuart@ausclassics.com.au

mail. PO Box 454, Ballan Victoria, 3342. Australia

Please Note: It is only me and sometimes I do get a little swamped as the business is growing, but I absolutely value you as customers, without you all there is no business!

This  may sometimes cause things to take a little while to arrive or for me to get back to you, however I absolutely guarantee my quality and delivery of all items purchased from Ausclassics.  

Please be a little patient and I will ensure you are happy. Thanks, Stuart.

I hope I can help you enjoy your automotive hobby as well.